Add product options to order notes

This template will:

  • Add product options from your applications to the order notes field on your Shopify order, preserving any existing order notes so third-party services can easily read them.

✅  No setup is needed

Step 1

Click the toggle to switch the workflow On when you are ready to start automating.

Step 2

🕶️ Sit back and enjoy the benefits of automation.


After a Shopify order is created, check out the Activity tab to view the status of the tasks. Learn more about the Activity tab.

Here is an example of how the order notes will appear on an order.

Optional Customizations

If you make any of the following optional customizations, you will need to click the Save button at the top of or below the workflow to save your changes.

You can change the text added to the order notes by opening the Shopify Order Note Update step and editing the contents of the Note field.

By default, the workflow will preserve any existing order notes when adding product options to the order notes. If you prefer to overwrite existing notes, remove the initial code {% if shopify_order.note %}...{% endif %} markup.

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